This post isn't for those lucky ladies who blink and get know like the one who conceived me, or the sisters that I am blessed to be surrounded by. It's nothing against you, in fact I am positively green with envy at your unique ability to accidentally get knocked up, I wish I were you! If you haven't had to try to get pregnant you can't imagine the mental games it plays with you! Right now I am watching time crawl by...I swear every day feels like a week right now...and when the clock is finished playing with me and we finally get to put the swimmers in, then my mind really gets to go into over drive...wake up feeling a bit nauseous... might be pregnant, feel a little extra sleepy.. might be a sign, have the sniffles, yep that could be it you might be pregnant.. heck even a fart could be that one little sign you are anxiously awaiting for... I swear I won't do it.. but deep down there is a little wicked voice laughing at my declarations, because it knows...when it comes to ttc we all go a little crazy! Waiting sucks, guessing sucks...trying to get pregnant really sucks...why couldn't I be like my sisters or mom and get pregnant from a wink!
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