The doctor's visit finally came, and went, and well it wasn't what we were hoping for at all! I loved the doctor and his staff, they were all great. They were concerned of course with our location and the technicality of doing it but he said it was something he was willing to try to work with. He gave us the name of a doctor with the same credentials as him, but closer to us, in Bethel. He says he is willing to consult with the doctor if he will take the case, so crossing my fingers that works. We went over how each cycle would go and the tests he wants run before we begin. He ordered and HSG test for the next morning. This test involves injecting dye into the uterus through a catheter and then xraying so they can see the path the dye takes and check to see if both fallopian tubes are open as well as if the uterus is normal shaped and healthy. I wasn't the least bit nervous about the test, figured it would be painless. Showed up on time and they got me right in, everything went smooth, but the pain took me by complete surprise, the worst menstrual cramps of my life, not to mention some really sharp pains as well. I got through it though and then the bad news came. It appears I have one fallopian tube that is blocked. Still waiting on news from the doctor's office about it. I know I can still get pregnant with just one tube, but still feel so sad by the news. I wanted everything to go smoothly, felt that having PCOS was enough of a road block, now we have this on top of it all! Praying that it turns out to be a no brainer, I mean you only need one egg to get pregnant, and I do have one good tube, the dye flowed through it beautifully! I need the next few things to go well though, I have a progesterone test in a few days, expect that one to be bad, then on day 3 of my next cycle they are doing a FSH test, to make sure I have eggs. Crossing my fingers for that one, that would be a horrible blow. So our feet are wet now, we stepped into the river of infertility treatments, praying its a calm river and just a quick trip before we land on the beach of pregnancy ( I have spent too much time on the water I think).
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